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SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

We are currently in a transition phase due to the implementation of the Transparency Regulation. Due to this we are updating our procedures, and the most up to date versions will be made available shortly.

SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are Procedures that prescribe the operational steps to be followed in relation to processes or policies. SOPs are mandatory instructions. SOPs are drafted by staff directly involved with the process in question following a template that it is used throughout the organisation to give consistency and clarity.  SOPs are reviewed to confirm that they meet legal, internal control standard, ISO QMS and science requirements, as applicable. SOPs must be approved by the Executive Director before being included in the EFSA Repository of Governance and Management Documents. All SOPs will need to undergo review at least once every three years or as need arises  The remainder of EFSA’s SOPs will be published in batches in the upcoming months
