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NP/EFSA/CORSER/2024/01 - Express courier services

Approximate launch date:
Febrero 2024

Call reference: NP/EFSA/CORSER/2024/01


EFSA’s Express Courier Services contract is expiring in July 2024 and a new call will be launched to guarantee the continuity of the service.


The aim of this procurement procedure is to conclude a negotiated contract for four years with one contractor who must provide express courier shipping and truck services expedition.

Selection criteria - Technical and professional capacity:

Requirement 1: On-line Booking system, tracking system
Requirement 2: Organization of workflow in order to guarantee deliveries in due time
Requirement 3: Truck service
Requirement 4: Environmental impact reduction and carbon footprint

The specific requirements will be defined in the tenders specifications.

If you are interested in this procedure please send an email within the deadline to EFSAprocurement [at] (EFSAprocurement[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu) quoting the reference of the procedure and specifying the following:

  • your name/organisation’s name and address;
  • whether you participate as a physical person or an organisation/private company.

Deadline to express interest: 08 February 2024