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What are EFSA's networks?

EFSA’s networks consist of nationally appointed EU Member State organisations with expertise in the fields covered by the network. Representatives of the Commission and of other organisations (including those from outside the EU) with specific expertise may also be invited to participate in the work of EFSA Networks.

Networks are chaired by EFSA and supported by relevant EFSA units. Their aim is to facilitate scientific cooperation in the field of EFSA’s mission by:

Chemical monitoring data collection

The scientific network on chemical monitoring data collection established on 28 November 2018 is a consolidation of three previous networks: chemical occurrence data, veterinary medicinal products residues data collection, and pesticide monitoring. Agendas and minutes of the three former networks can be retrieved from the EFSA Calendar.

Food consumption

Zoonoses monitoring data

The Network for Zoonoses Monitoring data carries out its data collection work according to procedures set by European legislation. The Network consists of a pan-European network of national representatives and international organisations who assist EFSA by gathering and sharing information on zoonoses in their respective countries. EFSA uses this data to monitor and analyse the situation with regard to zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and food-borne outbreaks across Europe. The results are presented in the annual European Union Summary Reports on zoonoses, food-borne outbreaks and antimicrobial resistance and in other reports on specific zoonoses issues.

Working groups

No active working groups for this expert group.

Closed working groups

EU Menu working group with advisory function

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Molecular typing data collection

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Molecular typing data collection: Sub-group (A)

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Molecular typing data collection: Sub-group (B)

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Publication of scientific data from EU coordinated monitoring programmes and surveys

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Standard Sample Description (SSD) extension

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Veterinary drug residues data collection

Meetings: minutes last updated: